UPDATED FEB 2020. Working with passion, the world needs a little more of this, doesn’t it? It seems like so many of us are stuck in the mundane, the comfortable life or the toxic workplace and a lot of us have lost our spark along the way. If you were wondering what it’s like to make the change, here are 7 side effects of putting your heart into everything you do and working with passion.
Working With Passion – The 7 Common Side Effects You Experience
1. You become a little more sensitive
When you put your heart into your work it is like dancing on the edge of a cliff.
It’s risky.
‘What if it fails?’ or ‘what if people don’t like it?’ are thoughts that run through your head and seem scarier than if it were just a regular task.
When you begin working with passion and heart you suddenly become a little more vulnerable because if someone criticizes the work, they are also criticizing a part of you.
There is a quote that ‘if something makes you scared and excited then you should definitely do it’ and it rings true when it comes to putting your heart into your work.
It’s scary at first, but so worthwhile.
You probably won’t be able to return to the mundane after you experience it.
2. You experience a greater sense of accomplishment
The work is hard but the wins are great.
Whether it is a presentation you created, a new business process or even a blog post – when you succeed at something that you put your whole heart into then your whole energy screams ‘win!’
There is a true sense of accomplishment that is far greater and more meaningful than when you are just ticking boxes at whatever you are working on.
This feeling is quite addictive and pushes you to succeed even more.
3. You devote yourself fully
Doing something you love is all-encompassing and you might go a little crazy as you work to find your balance.
There are jobs that you ‘just do’ and end up counting down the time until the workday is over.
As if all the fun of life is away from that work – which it probably is in this case.
Then there are times where you are working with passion, in something that fulfills you and there are just not enough hours in the day.
It usually doesn’t feel like a drain, like work, because there is a sense of enjoyment that comes from it.
You can become consumed that it is very important to remember a work-life balance and make time for other things in life e.g. when was the last time you washed your hair?
4. You look better
A sure-fire way to look like a zombie is to work at a job you hate or live a life that doesn’t offer true fulfillment.
I like to think of this as a ‘plastic life’ where everything around you is made of plastic and nothing is truly real. It might look nice on the surface but, once you are in it, there is just fake-ness all around you.
When you are doing this, you begin to look tired and drained. Your skin is dull, you lose your smile and just go through the motions.
Breaking from this is the best addition to your beauty routine because you will begin to look better.
You have energy and spark, your skin glows with life and you begin smiling again.
5. You are a target for haters
I wish I could say that everyone will be happy for your happiness. That would be a perfect world, right?
Unfortunately, though, success can sometimes be a lonely place and not everyone will be supportive and happy for you.
We use others as a mirror to judge ourselves so it can be hard for people who aren’t experiencing the same happiness or fulfillment to see you enjoying those things.
For them, it can be like pointing a big old spotlight on the fact that they don’t have these things, and perhaps really want them.
In some cases, this can lead people to become jealous of you or turn against you.
If this happens to you, there’s not much you can do but keep shining, keep following your own happy path and hope that others find their own.
6. When you begin working with passion you attract like-minded souls
Like attracts like, so while you are following your happy path you will attract like-minded souls who will fill up your inspiration tank.
Let’s face it, this is much needed after you experience some of the haters.
Networking with others who radiate positive energy is quite possibly the most rewarding type of relationship you will experience and one thing you need to make time for.
You feel uplifted by their contagious spirit just as much as they are being uplifted by yours.
Spending time with people who exude happiness, sweat positivity and inspire you is one of the best things you can do for your work.
It’s like it sparks a fire in your own creativity and encourages you to keep going as well as providing you with valuable life-long friendships.
7. You become fulfilled
Quite simply, finding your passion, the spark that makes you come alive and working with it is a fulfilling experience.
Too many of us settle for the comfortable, the mundane or the safe bets without ever experience a truly fulfilling life and it is one of the saddest things in the world.
They may have more in terms of possessions but so much less in terms of fulfillment.
When you find that passion, take risks and put your heart into everything you do, a whole new world of happiness opens up and allows you to enjoy and appreciate life even more.
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I’ve just read your post going ‘yes, yes, YESSSSSSS!’ Such great points. Loved it!
Thanks for stopping by – I am so glad you could relate!
Such a great concept for an article, Katie! I absolutely agree that it can be so daunting and difficult to follow your passion, but so totally worth it.
Thanks for sharing,
Siobhan x
Thank you so much! xo
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